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Membuat Countdown Timer Menjelang Tahun Baru 2016 (Hitungan Mundur)
Posted by CB Blogger
Demo Blog NJW V2 Updated at: 08:43:00
Lowongan Kementerian Kesehatan - Program Nusantara Sehat
Posted by CB Blogger
Demo Blog NJW V2 Updated at: 01:36:00
Membuat Countdown Timer Menjelang Tahun Baru 2016 (Hitungan Mundur)
Meski tahun baru 2016 tinggal 25 Menit lagi, namun saya tidak ingin terlalu lama menyimpan widget ini pada komputer saya, takutnya nanti malah kelupaan.
Apa maksud dari judul postingan saya kali ini?
Sangat simpel, widget ini akan mulai menghitung mundur mulai dari tanggal yang telah Anda tentukan. Silahkan baca dulu cara menerapkan sebelum copas kode.Disini saya setting untuk menyambut tahun baru 2016, jika masih ingin digunakan untuk tahun 2017, maka edit saja bagian tahun pada script dibawah ini.
Sebelumnya, silahkan lihat dulu contohnya pada bagian bawah
Nah, kode-kodenya sangat simpel, silahkan copy semua kode berikut dalam blog Anda
<style type="text/css" scoped>terima kasih anda sudah membaca artikel kami
#KS_tahunbaru {
padding:20px 0;
.putih {color:#fff}
<div id='KS_tahunbaru'>
<span id='KS_countdown'></span>
<script type="text/javascript">
var target_date = new Date("Jan 1, 2017").getTime();
var days, hours, minutes, seconds;
var KS_countdown = document.getElementById("KS_countdown");
setInterval(function () {
var current_date = new Date().getTime();
var seconds_left = (target_date - current_date) / 1000;
days = parseInt(seconds_left / 86400);
seconds_left = seconds_left % 86400;
hours = parseInt(seconds_left / 3600);
seconds_left = seconds_left % 3600;
minutes = parseInt(seconds_left / 60);
seconds = parseInt(seconds_left % 60);
KS_countdown.innerHTML = "<span class=\'putih\'>TAHUN BARU menuju 2017 TINGGAL </span>" + days + " <span class=\'putih\'>hari,</span> " + hours + " <span class=\'putih\'>jam,</span> "
+ minutes + " <span class=\'putih\'>menit,</span> " + seconds + " <span class=\'putih\'>detik lagi</span>";
}, 1000);
Rekrutmen Telkomsel GREAT People Trainee
![Telkomsel Rekrutmen Telkomsel GREAT People Trainee](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhv3gUeoL1di-N3x9PcvEDwK6Q0dw7Zl5TCb5X7oAoO_-sreJh811m_1XRBtC8VxYV2eePKg-UtTl08MC_F4BtvENeP1znVn_sspiYW-jsJHxM666-IZJGN-PjyhsOT8btr4nNOQhG71kEl/s400/Telkomsel.png)
Untuk memberikan layanan yang prima kepada masyarakat di dalam menikmati gaya hidup digital (digital lifestyle), Telkomsel turut membangun ekosistem digital di tanah air melalui berbagai upaya pengembangan DNA (Device, Network dan Applications), yang diharapkan akan mempercepat terbentuknya masyarakat digital Indonesia.
Telkomsel pun secara konsisten mengimplementasikan roadmap teknologi selular, mulai dari 3G, HSDPA, HSPA+, serta menjadi yang pertama meluncurkan secara komersial layanan mobile 4G LTE di Indonesia yang akan memberikan pelanggan akses yang lebih cepat di dalam menikmati layanan data serta memungkinkan penerapan teknologi selular dalam skala yang lebih besar, seperti untuk pengembangan kota pintar (smart city).
Lowongan Kerja Telkomsel Januari 2017
TELKOMSEL mengundang anda untuk bergabung dalam GREAT People Trainee Program Batch VI
- Metode belajar on the job untuk Sarjana Fresh Graduate
- Program Trainee berdurasi 6 Bulan
- Memiliki kesempatan untuk menjadi Karyawan Telkomsel setelah lulus program
- Memiliki kesempatan bekerja dengan penempatan Seluruh Indonesia
- Pendidikan minimal Sarjana (S1) jurusan : Teknik Telekomunikasi, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Informatika, Teknik/Ilmu Komputer, Teknik Industri, Manajemen Bisnis, Akuntansi, Hukum, Komunikasi
- Usia maksimal 26 tahun
- IPK minimal 3,00 (pada skala 4).
- Lancar berbahasa Inggris dengan skor TOEFL minimal 500 atau skor TOIEC 650 (dari lembaga sertifikasi).
Tata Cara Registrasi
- Registrasi Pada Website Telkomsel E-Recruitment.
- Pastikan anda mengisi resume secara lengkap.
- Daftar pada lowongan yang tersedia
- Hanya kandidat yang lolos tahap administrasi yang akan dipanggil untuk tahap selanjutnya
Batas Akhir pengajuan lamaran tanggal 17 Januari 2017
Silakan apply lamaran anda secara online melalui website Telkomsel Recruitment
Lowongan Kementerian Kesehatan - Program Nusantara Sehat
![Lowongan-Kementerian-Kesehatan-Program-Nusantara-Sehat Lowongan Kementerian Kesehatan - Program Nusantara Sehat](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiBLDxIIf_Yf7tRonSnvPgd5BVYj_F0V-q9nxZn7XuX-09m1kG6OMTEklISUfksmKj6XxQMOKrbMpiImsIvS46b3uiU27gslo06jVyrvOOGSFQ4ev6SNpJhtQqhXAweq3io3SodawNIJNSo/s400/kementerian-kesehatan.png)
Kementerian Kesehatan melaksanakan program Nusantara Sehat sejak tahun 2015, telah mengerahkan 1421 orang tenaga kesehatan ditempatkan pada 251 lokus puskesmas pada 91 Kabupaten/Kota di 28 Provinsi se Indonesia, meliputi 9 jenis tenaga kesehatan, yaitu dokter, dokter gigi, perawat, bidan, kesehatan masyarakat, kesehatan lingkungan, ahli teknologi laboratorium medik, gizi, dan kefarmasian.
Pada tanggal 19 Desember 2016 Kementerian Kesehatan kembali membuka peluang bagi Putra dan Putri Bangsa untuk bergabung menjadi Tenaga Kesehatan Nusantara Sehat Periode 1 tahun 2017, dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut :
Jenis tenaga kesehatan yang dibutuhkan :
- Dokter
- Dokter gigi
- Bidan
- Perawat
- Tenaga Kesehatan Masyarakat
- Tenaga Kesehatan Lingkungan
- Ahli Tehnologi Laboratorium Medik
- Tenaga Kefarmasian
- Tenaga Gizi
Persyaratan Pendaftaran Program Nusantara Sehat :
- Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI)
- Usia maksimal 35 tahun untuk dokter dan dokter gigi, 30 tahun untuk tenaga kesehatan lainnya
- Tidak sedang terikat perjanjian/kontrak kerja dengan instansi lain pemerintah/swasta dan tidak berkedudukan sebagai CPNS/PNS/Calon Anggota TNI/Polri serta Anggota TNI/Polri
- Belum menikah, dan bersedia tidak menikah selama 6 bulan masa penugasan
- Sehat jasmani rohani
- Bebas narkoba
- Berkelakuan baik
- Wajib memiliki STR yang masih berlaku (Surat Keterangan STR yang sedang diproses tidak berlaku/tidak diterima)
- Bersedia ditempatkan dimana saja sesuai kebutuhan Kementerian Kesehatan
File-file yang harus diupload saat pendaftaran :
1. Pas Foto
2. Scan Ijasah
3. Scan STR yang masih berlaku
4. Scan KTP
5. Scan Kartu Keluarga
6. Sertifikat pelathan
Semua file yang diupload harus kurang dari 250kb
**Bagi peserta yang sudah pernah mengikuti proses pendaftaran pada periode yang lalu, akun masih dapat digunakan dan apabila lupa password dapat mengakses menu lupa password pada saat login.
Dapat di unduh link Petunjuk Pendaftaran dihalaman login website Pendaftaran Nusantara Sehat 2017.
Jadwal Pendaftaran : 19 Desember 2016 s/d 18 Januari 2017
Melalui Website : nusantarasehat.kemkes.go.id
Informasi Lebih Lanjut Dapat Menghubungi HALO KEMKES :
Telp : (021) 500567
Fax : 021-52921669
Lowongan PT Mifa Bersaudara
![9-Lowongan-PT-Mifa-Bersaudara 9 Lowongan PT Mifa Bersaudara](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi7mWH4FH9pdg3DWdANbN9l4D4TdrNEhCfMIeFMgni9b_PtlZjIDp48sRuXvyi3pjlFxzUsCZ1Tg7ZaZRWVmg-lahs0ON7hFaEFizlSCay6g7Odmhp3uDWRI6XAlUXXZdYup-xPlpJXTES6/s320/mifa-bersaudara.png)
To continually create meaningful & challenging job opportunities to many Indonesians which is aligned with our aggressive business growth, PT Mifa Bersaudara invites qualified and experienced professional people to join with us for the position of:
Shift Operation Superintendent - Meulaboh
• Prepare, propose, direct and evaluate Mine Operation unit monthly to ensure that the work plan is in accordance with the work plan of the company.
• Monitor the achievement of the mine plan, operating plan and production plan for any identified irregularities and take corrective measures to ensure the achievement of the mine plan and production targets.
• Monitor surveillance operations at the mine and all related activities to ensure that mining activities and their supporters are in accordance with the plan and its implementation is in standard procedure and regulation of the company.
• Monitor and ensure the implementation of mine operation, hauling and land clearing implemented are in accordance with applicable policy and standards.
• Maintain performance of subordinates to ensure achievement of target set by company.v• Compliance audits to mining plan according the conditions and terms of contract to ensure the evaluation method checks accordance with procedures
• Implement policies and HSE programs to ensure that all activities in accordance with HSE under Accountability.
• Male, max 40 years old
• Bachelor Degree in Mining / Geology / Civil Engineering with at least 5 years of experience in the same field and the same industry with a minimum of 2 years of experience in Supervisor/ Managerial/ Senior Technical position.
• Have min POP/POM, K3LH certification and other related work licenses.
• Understand Good Mining practice and Budget Analysis & Cost Improvement concept
• Able to supervise the mining operation process
• Able to managerial and leader team
• Able to operate Microsoft Office and fluent to speak English
• Willing to be placed on site in Meulaboh.
Port Operation & Barging Superintendent – Meulaboh
• Prepare, propose, direct and evaluate Port Operation & Barging unit monthly to ensure that the work plan is in accordance with the work plan of the company
• Managing the administrative processes related to shipping and transshipment to ensure the available of documents transshipment.
• Identification and analysis of field conditions from preparation, documentation and coordination with relevant parties
• Develop strategies and business processes Port Operation & barging and conduct periodic evaluation of the problems
• Manage and maintain good relationships with vendors and third parties related in the process of transshipment
• Implement policies and HSE programs to ensure that all activities in accordance with HSE under Accountability
• Male, max 40 years old
• Min education from Nautical Grade ANT 2 or Nautical Grade ANT 3.
• Min 8 year experience in vessel ,including 2-3 years of experience in the same field and the same industry with a minimum of 4 years of experience in Supervisor/ Managerial/ Senior Technical position.
• Preferably with experience managing the operational activities of the port, and the unloading of coal to barges or ship.
• Able to operate Microsoft Office and fluent to speak English
• Able to managerial and leader team
• Understand related rules and regulation
HR & GA Superintendent - Meulaboh
• Prepare, propose, direct and evaluate daily activities to ensure that the work plan is in accordance with the work plan of the company.
• Report periodically regarding employee data, recruitment process and people development activities in accordance to work instructions.
• Ensure manpower need of each Department is fulfilled in accordance with time line and qualification requirement.
• Arrange and coordinate employee on-site training activities.
• Ensure personnel administration process is done in accordance with applicable procedures.
• Mantain industrial relationship process with employees on site is done in accordance with applicable regulations and procedures.
• Conduct General Affairs activities and coordinate with Head Office to ensure service is suitable with site needs.Maintain fulfillment of employee needs regarding mess and housekeeping services on site.
• Implement policies and HSE programs to ensure that all activities in accordance with HSE under Accountability.
• Max 40 years old
• Bachelor Degree in Psychology / Law/ Management or related field with at least 5-7 years of experience, including 2-3 years of experience in the same field and the same industry; Able to operate supporting system
• Able to operate Microsoft Office and fluent to speak English
• Able to managerial and leader team
• Understand related rules and regulations
• Willing to be placed on site in Meulaboh.
Maintenance Supervisor - Meulaboh
• Monitoring unit and equipment in Port Coal Handling & Mine facility (Coal Crushing Plant, Overland Conveyor, Barge Loading Conveyor, Genset, Coal Crushing Plant)
• Maintenance unit and equipment in Port Coal Handling & Mine Facility (Coal Crushing Plant, Overland conveyor, barge loading conveyor, Genset, Coal Crushing Plant) • Analyze of damage to a unit and equipment and are able to read and understand Part Book Manual Part number of the unit and equipment
• Implement policies and HSE programs to ensure that all activities in accordance with HSE under Accountability.
• Male, max 40 years old
• Diploma or Bachelor Degree in mechanical / electrical engineering with at least 3-5 years of experience in the same field and the same industry.
• Have POP certification and other related work licenses.
• Understand Maintenance Management System, Breakdown Management, Backlog Management
• Familiar with Fixed Plant Maintenance (Barge Conveyor, Fixed Crusher, Dewatering Pump, Generator Set)
• Experience in the Electrical & Mechanical Fixed Plant
• Familiar with Computerize Management Maintenance System (SAP System) and Autocad • Preferably have POP Certificate
• Understand and able to read the book part, ASTM, ASME, ANSI and JIS
• Able to operate Microsoft Office and fluent to speak English
• Understand related rules and regulations
• Willing to be placed on site in Meulaboh.
Maintenance Foreman (Electrical) - Meulaboh
• Monitoring unit and equipment in Port Coal Handling & Mine Facility (Coal Crushing Plant, Overland Conveyor, Barge Loading Conveyor, Genset, Coal Crushing Plant)
• Maintenance unit and equipment in port coal handling & mine facility (Coal Crushing Plant, Overland conveyor, barge loading conveyor, Genset, Coal Crushing Plant) • Analyze of damage to a unit and equipment and are able to read and understand Part Book Manual Part number of the unit and equipment
• Implement policies and HSE programs to ensure that all activities in accordance with HSE under Accountability.
• Male, max 30 years old
• Diploma or Bachelor Degree in mechanical / electrical engineering with at least 1-3 years of experience in the same field and the same industry.
• Familiar with Fixed Plant Maintenance (Barge Conveyor, Fixed Crusher, Dewatering Pump, Generator Set)
• Mastering Electrical Motor, Control System, Electrical Safety Device, Variable Speed Drive & PLC
• Understand IP, IEC,IEEE and PUIL 2011 Standard • Preferably have POP, SMKP, Teknisi AK3 Listrik / Ahli K3 Listrik Certificate
• Able to operate Microsoft Office and fluent to speak English
• Understand related rules and regulations
• Willing to be placed on site in Meulaboh.
Maintenance Foreman (Mechanical) - Meulaboh
• Monitoring unit and equipment in Port Coal Handling & Mine Facility (Coal Crushing Plant, Overland Conveyor, Barge Loading Conveyor, Genset, Coal Crushing Plant)
• Maintenance unit and equipment in port coal handling & mine facility (Coal Crushing Plant, Overland conveyor, barge loading conveyor, Genset, Coal Crushing Plant) • Analyze of damage to a unit and equipment and are able to read and understand Part Book Manual Part number of the unit and equipment
• Implement policies and HSE programs to ensure that all activities in accordance with HSE under Accountability.
• Male, max 30 years old
• Diploma or Bachelor Degree in mechanical / electrical engineering with at least 1-3 years of experience in the same field and the same industry.
• Familiar with Fixed Plant Maintenance (Barge Conveyor, Fixed Crusher, Dewatering Pump, Generator Set)
• Mastering Mechanical Fixed Plant and Fabrication
• Understand ASTM, ASME, ANSI and JIS Standard • Preferably have POP Certificate • Able to operate Microsoft Office and fluent to speak English
• Understand related rules and regulations
• Willing to be placed on site in Meulaboh.
Maintenance Planning & Schedulling Foreman - Meulaboh
• Prepare, propose, direct and evaluate Maintenance unit (Conveyor, Fixed Crusher, Generator Set, etc)
• Monitoring and controlling implementation of preventive and predictive maintenance
• Plan the use of spare parts (part schedule service, consumable part & oil) and the recording of the use of consumable goods and spare both critical part
• Controlling stock of spare parts, oil and consumable goods for maintenance and repair program
• Order of spare parts for maintenance and repair activities
• Supervise of maintenance activities by techniciansv• Prepare and submit maintenance report (PA, Cost, Maintenance Activity etc.)
• Implement policies and HSE programs to ensure that all activities in accordance with HSE under Accountability.
• Male, max 30 years old
• Diploma or Bachelor Degree in mechanical / electrical engineering with at least 1-3 years of experience in the same field and the same industry.
• Understand Maintenanance Management System, Breakdown Management, Backlog Management
• Familiar with Fixed Plant Maintenance (Barge Conveyor, Fixed Crusher, Dewatering Pump, Generator Set)
• Familiar with Computerize Management Maintenance System (SAP System) dan Autocad
• Able to operate Microsoft Office and fluent to speak English
• Understand related rules and regulations
• Willing to be placed on site in Meulaboh.
Jetty & Barging Foreman - Meulaboh
• Manage barge cargo in Jetty accordance with procedure
• Manage and reporting process of loading coal barge accordance with procedure • Reporting process of docked and loose barge in Jetty accordance with procedure • Maintenance navigation tools and equipment at the Jetty • Manage in/out barge and transport of water in the port and navigation process
• Record and report periodically to the entire process barging and loading and maintenance navigation tools
• Implement policies and HSE programs to ensure that all activities in accordance with HSE under Accountability.
• Male, max 30 years old
• Min education from Nautical Grade ANT 4 or Nautical Grade ANT 5 with at least 1-3 years of experience in the same field and the same industry.
• Mastering the mooring management • Mastering the techniques of mooring rope
• Able to operate Microsoft Office and fluent to speak English
• Understand related rules and regulations
• Willing to be placed on site in Meulaboh.
HSE System Foreman - Meulaboh
• Planning and preparations K3LH (HSE Compliance) requirements, K3LH Systems (ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001) and related procedures
• Planning, coordinating, directing and controlling the application of K3LH and coordinate the regulation management K3LH
• Directing and monitoring the inspection K3LH
• Identification and evaluation of regulations and other requirements related with mining
• Prepare and report K3LH and other related reports
• Implement policies and HSE programs to ensure that all activities in accordance with HSE under Accountability.
• Male, max 30 years old
• Diploma or Bachelor Degree in Public Health / K3/ enviromental engineering with at least 1-3 years of experience in the same field and the same industry.
• Understand Good Mining practice & Hazard Identification Risk Assessment & Determening Control • Understand about targets and prorgam (OTP) • Able to prepare integrated document (Procedure, Standards, Work Instruction and Forms) • Mastering ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001 dan memahami SMKP (Permen ESDM No 38 Tahun 2014) • Preferably have AK3 Umum, SMKP, Integrated ISO & OHSAS & Internal Auditor certificate
• Able to operate Microsoft Office and fluent to speak English
• Understand related rules and regulations
• Willing to be placed on site in Meulaboh.
Please send your application together with a detailed resume including
recent color photograph to: hrd@mifacoal.co.id
Please note that only short-listed qualified candidates will be contacted for further process.
closing date: January 03, 2017
source : petromindo
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